Privacy Policy
Updated 16th May 2018.
End Child Poverty (ECP) is hosted by Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG). ECP reports to CPAG’s Board of Trustees, which has overall legal responsibility for the governance of ECP.
Your privacy is important to ECP and CPAG and is covered by CPAG’s privacy policy. You can view the privacy policy here. This privacy statement provides information about the personal information that ECP collects, and the ways in which we use that personal information. CPAG is ECP’s data processor. However, CPAG does not use your data for any purpose other than those set out by ECP.
Contact ECP
If you have any questions about this privacy policy or ECP or CPAG’s treatment of your personal information, please write:
by email to
by post to End Child Poverty Coordinator, c/o CPAG, 30 Micawber Street, London N1 7TB