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A new government will be formed this December. In our just and compassionate society it’s not right that children are trapped in a poverty that means they are more likely to have worse physical and mental health, do less well in school and have less opportunities in the future than their better off peers.
It’s time to tell our candidates that we want the new government to commit to ambitious plans to end child poverty in the UK.
End Child Poverty is calling on all political parties to set out ambitious manifesto commitments – informed by the experiences of people living in poverty – to end child poverty in the UK:
1. Income
• Restore link between benefits and inflation
• Make up for the loss in the real value in children’s benefits as a result of the 4 year freeze and sub-inflation increases in benefit rates
• Lift both the benefit cap and the two-child limit in child tax credit and Universal Credit
• Reform Universal Credit starting by ending the five-week wait.
2. Housing
• Ensure housing support closes the gap with and keeps pace with local rents
3. Services
• Reverse the cuts and re-invest in children’s services such as social care, mental health, education and childcare
Ask your candidates if they will commit to these policies.
It’s time our politicians matched the ambitions of our children.